I was ever so close...just that tiny fraction away from a couple of proper yawns last week...But they hurt...and it seems I've done some damage...which has resulted in more swelling and pain in my jaw, and we're back to the old days of restricted 2-3 finger opening, and pain...rather a lot of it.
Its nothing to worry about really, I stretched the muscles a bit too far going for the yawns and tore some fibres, and now I have to wait for things to heal again but it means I'm back to doing my finger and thumb push ups on my teeth to stop things siezing up. Worse still is not being able to eat cleanly again...food keeps banging on my teeth and falling of the fork...bahh.
As usual, I'll give it a week or so to settle down and if no improvement will go see the doc.
One new thing...my tongue...does not feel quite so numb down the edge as it has done...its not that I have regained feeling as such..just that the actual sensation is different, like I'm no longer aware of the numbness...hard to explain really.. This may also be why I've noticed a slightly more pronounced speech defect in my voice when I am recording my terrible singing, certain sounds are just not coming through as clearly as previous recordings and I sound like I have something in my mouth when talking/singing...its subtle but I have noticed it.
Something to keep an eye on...or an ear!!
284 days
1 day ago
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