1 year since the op.
It really does seem like a lot longer to me when I think back, but no its a year...I have 4 more to go before I get an all clear and a few minor procedures to fix things ahead of me.
I suppose now's a good time for an update?
Mouth opening has improved considerably, yawning is gettign wider and wider. I still have some swelling under my jaw that is a little tender at times, but overall not bad. A few more months of physio then I think I'll knock that on the head.
Still can't eat hot spicey or strong mint flavours but pretty much anything else is ok.
Right side of my bottom lip is still paralysed though I have feeling, generally though aside from a lop sided crooked smile, occasionally slurred speech and a few random spits on people, its not causing too any issues.
Right edge of my tongue is also a little numb most of the time but its quite usable :D My sense of taste is quite normal.
My beard has not come back following its loss due to the radiation, I think thats probably going to be permenant. :(
Some tightness of the scar from time to time but thats not so bad.
Overall..1 year on, I'm pretty much fully recovered from the surgery and its other effects. Getting on with life and still moving forward.
Roll on the next 4 years.
Lots of good things
15 hours ago