I missed an anniversary yesterday, surprising considering how there are 2 dates imprinted on my brain. April 6th and April 27th.
April 6 2010 is when I was told I had cancer...it was quite a rollercoaster day, I had already suspected because of the questions the Dentist and Doctor had asked (are you losing weight, feeling ok, tiredness, etc) but to actually hear the doctor say "malignant" it was both a shock and relief. I'd spent a whole weekend stressing about things which accounts for the relief, but the shock was more understandable.
1 year on...I seem to be well, touch wood, still having treatment of various kinds, lots of follow ups of course and soon to have some dental work that I am not going to enjoy and every day the yawn is getting closer and closer.
Yup, cancer sure makes life interesting. I can't believe I actually forgot..I guess thats a good thing.
April 27 2010 is the date of my op...strangely that seems so long ago now, much longer than a year but it does mean I'm 1/5th of the way towards my all clear. Maybe I'll have a small celebration of that anniversary!
284 days
13 hours ago
Keep forgetting bad anniversaries. I think you're doing really well. Leslee in Canada was asking yesterday how you were doing. I've updated her.