Sunday 24 July 2011


My dentist appointment got cancelled last week, my non english speaking angry dental assistant called me to let me know the appointment was cancelled.I understood Geen Afsprek Donderdag (no appointment on Thursday) but the rest left me mystified, going to have to pop in and see when the next appointment is.


  1. have you got a Dutch friend who speaks english who might be available when you go to sort it out. you really need an interpreter.

  2. Its not really a problem, face to face and with the medium of dance and mime, I understand enough dutch to understand what's needed.

    Over the phone though receptionists the world over tend to bark info at you and expect you to comply which is a bit harder. I'll pop to the hossie and check my dates, there's been no letters so it may just be that I go for my next appointment as normal.
