And everything seems to be fine. Though I have to have a bit of work done.
The hole in my top gum around my wisdom tooth is the tissue swelling healing and changing to suit the new conditions in my mouth. Unfortunaly its growing over the wisdom tooth and thats not good, since it is not being cleaned its gotta come out to prevent later issues. Not a problem really since it never fully erupted and it'll never have a mate to chew against (I had my lower wisdom's removed years ago). extraction is being planned. gulp.
More immediatly the oedema on my neck needs to be worked on, so they are sorting out an appointment with a physiotherapist who specialises in head and neck massage....not going to enjoy that, due to my previously mentioned dislike of neck touching. But needs must. It may help the nerve damage to my lip so it has to be tried, as I'd like to get my pucker back ;)
Once thats done, which should only be a few sessions I then need to see another physio to work on my mouth opening which according to Drs van Gemert is not bad, but can be improved.
And thats it, no pricks, prods, scans, needles or xrays, just a quick peek inside to check all's well and move on to sorting the swelling out.
Reconstruction in the form of a couple of implants can't take place till 6 months after radio therapy but its on the cards...apparently its up to me if I want to do it.
I think so, I'm coping ok with chewing on 1 side, but it would be nice not to have a big hole in one side of my mouth.
Next checkup on 3rd December...I'll fill you in on physio and extraction details as they come through.
284 days
1 day ago
doesn't sound too bad, just a few little tweaks here and there..........well, maybe one or two big tweaks but technically just tidying up!