My Mum told me off last night for not updating this blog..she said she was getting worried??
No need to be worried mum I was just busy yesterday and there's not a lot to report.
I was supposed to have an RT follow up yesterday but work schedules and transport issues forced me to cancel it. Everything is fine though apart from the oedema under my chin which I was told about and probably need some massage to help reduce..but I'm one of these odd people who hates having his neck/throat touched so I will pass on the massage and continue doing it myself.
There really is nothing much to report, I am gaining in fitness, weight is levelling out nicely, I've lost my paunch and my moobs much to other people's amusement.
I've been playing pool with collegues as a means to gently stretch and excercise my neck and shoulder and overall I am feeling tip top, except in the morning when it takes a wee bit of time to loosen up.
The only long lasting issue I am having is my total inability to eat any kind of spicey food. Even the remotest sense of a chillie has my mouth screaming at me...shame. I keep trying but nope...avoid spice at all costs.
I have a full cancer status appointment with the surgeon on the 28th and we can see what happens next. Hopefully we can discuss some repairs to my jaw.
Probably not going to post much here till then, unless the oedema gets worse or something else crops up.
284 days
1 day ago
ok. worry machine switched off now!