So it must be time for an update.
This week has been quite busy with students now starting, and I've had to give lectures and working classes most of the week. But all has been well, even in the large lecture hall I was able to make myself heard and was clear enough in my speech, despite being aware from time to time of some slurring of certain words.
I have been really pleased by this. the large hall was a worry for me but I didn't need to worry at all.
Stamina has been increasing constantly, I do still have periods of exhaustion, but only after doing something physical, like a long bike ride or 3 flights of stairs, but I am recovering within a few minutes, unlike last month where such efforts left me for dead for hours.
I'm not taking any painkillers at all now, pretty much have avoided them for 2 weeks, headache or 2 aside. And I'm coping fine. I am still in some pain, especially when opening my mouth or "yawning" (or as close as I can get to a yawn), but its more of an ache and tolorable.
Neck is still a little tight and tender around the scar areas, and feeling is definitly returning slowly. I am trying to massage this to loosen it up and break down the lumpy swelling under my chin, not too successfully yet but the more I do it the better it feels.
This tightness though is probably responsible for my aching shoulders as I tend to hold my head down a little to avoid pulling on my neck, again something I will discuss with the doctor when I see him
Inside mouth is odd, its clearly swollen and a little tender still at the back, efforts to improve my gape are not working, I can't get it open wider than 2 fingers, which does affect my enjoyment of eating if not the actual function. I hope its not going to stay this way, I would love to be able to open my mouth wide enough to fit some various forms of fast food in there withough pulling small bits off with my fingers 1st.
The hole in my gum appears not to be closing and is a possible source of infections so I am making sure when I brush nothing has slipped up there to hide. I have an appointment on the 17th so I'll mention it then.
Overall..I am feeling pretty good. Could do with a 24hr shoulder massuse on call, but aside from that I'm functioning pretty much at normal.
But Round4 has to go to the cancer, I took a helluva beating and it wins on points.. Round 5 starts when I see the Drs ven Gemert again later this month for my 1st cancer checkup.
284 days
1 day ago
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