Had my follow up appointment with Drs van Gemert and Dr Mel, the dentist. They're going to try and use a simple false plate to start with, on the toothless side, since there's not a lot of bone available to fix anything long term.
If that doesn't work then they will do something a bit more drastic, which hmmm, I'm not sure about! Hyperbaric treatments and bone implants then teeth implants...All sounds a bit extreme and a bit of a long haul painful slog. We'll see how we get on with the prothesis 1st which while not giving me complete chewing freedom will help I am sure...it may work or it may not. I will give it a try. Dr Mel should start fitting me for it in April.
Also he's going to apply to the insurance to have an implant on my upper good side, to replace the missing tooth. The argument being that as that is my dominant side I want reduce any restrictions I have with chewing, crusty/sharp food for example is a bit of a no-no at the moment.
If the insurance don't go for it though I will pay for it myself, since I can see a major benefit with that, and tbh I had always planned on having that missing tooth replaced after my previous dentist broke it, splitting it in 2, resulting in its removal. We'll see what the insurance has to say.
Learned a new fact today...teeth which do not have opposites to bite down on, tend to grow down to fill the space...never knew that!! Its something to be aware of apparently.
Oh and finally he wants me to carry on with the physio, even if the benefits now are small it will help avoid problems with oedema build up so...might be something we have to keep up for some time.
284 days
14 hours ago