The 5 day or so bender on tranqs may very well have been a bit of a downer, but in actual fact I have come out of it feeling a lot better. The incident that upset me no longer preys on my mind as much, even though I still feel hurt by it, I'm not reliving it over and over in my head any more and screaming in my head about how hurt I am.
I've caught up with my admin work and can now look forward to dealing with some intense marking followed by a relatively long period of not much to do where I can indulge my own interests at work to develop a new course.
So..back on track I think. Prozac doing its thing and starting to lift the mood a bit. Councilling to start soon and see how that goes.
I found some useful information on post cancer related issues...makes interesting and very recognisable reading...which helps me realise this is just another part of the disease that needs to be dealt with so life can return to normal.
284 days
1 day ago
I read some of that post. Makes a hell of a lot of sense.