Aside from pain, the most noticiable issue is my ability to open my mouth is very restricted. There's a lot of swollen tissue at the back of my mouth which is acting like a spring preventing me opening more than a fingers width. I think its a little better today, and hope it will improve daily.
Inside my mouth I am still quite tender and raw, my tongue in particular which has been the main source of the pain the last few weeks is still tempremental and a little swollen at the back. Which stops me having full use of it to clean my mouth out when I am eating anything sticky. Also some speech sounds are extremely hard to make, so I am not really sounding myself at the moment, but as always I think gestures and mime help to get most points accross.
But the sores do seem to be reducing in size and causing less direct contact pain, though the candida spots appear to be stubbornly refusing to budge despite the more powerful meds.
Constipation is still a problem, but I have been "going" without meds, even though it takes a few days, so I'm not going to worry about it. I think I have enough meds to chug down in the morning without the updated syrup of figs.
I have been warned to watch out for spells of tiredness and I think I understand now what they mean, despite several very good nights sleep and long lie in's, I have found that I still feel physically exhausted a lot of the time, especially after walking the dog or other light excercise (or DIY)..Not quite bed ridden but distrubing in a way that I need to stop and sit a lot more than I am used to.
I was taking 10mg of Oxcontin 2x a day at the peak of the pain, and its tempting to keep on that level, but I am going to try to reduce that back to 5mg again and see how it goes. I'm also supplimenting that and hope to replace it with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.
Addiction to Oxycontin remains a worry for me, despite assurances that it won't be a problem, I'd rather get off it as soon as I can, and am dropping the dose while I can.
Neck area is a little odd, the area under my chin was swollen after surgery and remains so, but as feeling as returend I have noticed a tightness and a mild pain from the muscles in my neck, I'm attempting to gently rub my neck to loosen the swelling a little and also to sooth the muscles. It all still feels a little delicate to the touch though.
I lost about half my facial hair during the radiation, I have a pic that I'll try to upload. I also lost a little at the back of my head, which came out in a few clumps, but isn't noticable, so I don't think I need to resort to a post chemo head shave look. It should all grow back.
Teeth...seem ok, though one is still loose, and may give in at some later date. I'm trying to keep up with my 3 times a day brushing regime but at times its very painful. Since I can't open my mouth fully, and the foam from the toothpaste can be very sharp on the sores on my gum and tongue.
I also have to do the flouride bath thing every other day which I missed yesterday being unable to open wide enought to put them in. I'll try again later.
Thats it so far..
Just give it time now. I'm sure everything will heal. And plenty of rest for a while.