Since stopping the morphine I've had really bad insomnia, which isn't too much of a downer since I can sleep very late at the moment while we are still off work. But the physical exhaustion I've been experiencing is improving very slowly, it may well be that the insomnia is not helping but its probably just a leftover from the treatment.
I'm still at a stage of being able to do one big effort thing a day, then needing to rest for several hours to recover, not easy in a new home with lots of things to unbox and place in their new homes.
Aches and pains are also much more pronounced...not surprising when you stop taking painkillers. My shoulders in particular, ache like I've been swinging a pick for weeks...Neck pain of course is still there, and the tightness caused by the swelling is a bit restrictive in the mornint, but eases up as the day goes on. Mouth pain itself is still worst, I have a permanent sense of heat in my mouth on the right side, with odd twinges of various levels of pain.
Eating is a game of russian roulette; will it sting or won't it? My mother in law has been making me some lovely Indian food, though without chillies as they clearly are off limits for a while.
And of course yawning is a luxury I've not enjoyed since the original op, I have to suppress it before it gets too wide, because it hurts like about it...insomnia, yawning without pain...owww.
My mouth is however starting to open up again, we're nearly at 2 fingers again and I am pushing it open a bit more to try and get a full yawn in eventually.
Some of the swelling in my neck which is still quite tender and is giving me a bit of discomfort..Its causing my throat to push in a bit with acts like an irritation inside at teh back of my throat and causes some occasional coughing fits. But that swelling is starting to soften a bit and I am massaging it as best I can, without triggering a cough.
Ah well. Gotta keep going. I think coming off morphine was still the right thing, even if I'm functionally taking a step back, I am sure with a bit of rest and recuperation I will be taking a few steps forward soon.
284 days
1 day ago
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