Saw the Dietician today, no big surprises, she wants me to increase my protien intake, with more meat/fish and dairy. I thought was doing pretty good food wise, but I can certainly increase it. Weight is 90kg with clothes on and she did a grip power meter test to act as a base line for muscle wastage, all easy enough so far.
Then after a bit of a wait, off for RT4, starting with an imaging scan to make sure nothing has hadn't then on to the grilling...but the machine broke instead of 3 or 4 minutes pinned I was there for about 15...not too bad really, someone came and talked to me while they got it working again, she was telling me all about the type of machine it was, and how it worked..
Anyway, they got it fixed, and zap. Done..But I did have one helluva stiff neck when I got up after being pinned for so long.
Still no major side effects aside from the taste and tingling tip of my tongue which may indeed be due to the RT but could also still be post surgery nerve damage...we'll see. When the side effects really kick in they will be very obvious.
And my cry like a girly for no reason super power is still evident.
284 days
1 day ago
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