Back to Tilburg to get fitted with my "mask"
Interesting process, basically its more of a clamp that they use to make sure you are in the exact same position on the table each time.
Making it was amusing, 2 young nurses in white starched uniforms, start by asking you to take your top off (oh yes...) lay down on the table (hmmmmm), fiddle about with your head to get you in the right spot..(liking this a lot)
And then the blank mask, which is like a sheet of plastic with metal clips at various edges, which has been sat in hot water for a while is placed over your head and houlders and clamped into place.
After which, the 2 aformentioned nurses gently spread the plastic around your head and shoulders, a bit like a gentle head massage, I found it very soothing as 5 minutes was counted down till the mask was cool and hard. If one of them had asked me if I could feel it getting hard I would have had a serious fit of giggles.
After which a CT scan, with the now finished mask, where I had an IV fitted so they could feed me some kind of chemical marker for the CT machine..5 mins of whirring away and done..though the marker did leave me with a nasty metallic taste.
I can see why people find the mask claustrophobic, you are pinned down and its rather odd being able to feel your blood pulsing through both jugulars tapping on the mask..I dare say I will come to hate that mask but I do realise the need to be precise.
I've got an appointment to go back for the 1st treatment on the 21st,
but I need to get that changed as its Bina's Birthday and I want to try not to disrupt the day.
edit...managed to change the time to early morning, so I can be in and out and Bina and I can spend a nice day together.
284 days
1 day ago
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