So, we met with Drs van Gemert today for a quick check up, all good, the AB's are working well and my jaw is feeling much better and looser. I am able to open it much more and have near normal function (as I was able to demonstrate tackling a massive rare rib eye steak last night....slowly ). The biopsy on my clavicle node was clear, it was probably just swollen in reaction to the infection in my mouth.
I was introduced to the dental hygienist who is going to torture me every week and then I was given a run down on the statistical facts that are available.
I had a T2,N1 cancer, which means its was what's called a Stage III cancer. This is mainly due to the metastasis in the lymph node increasing the risks.
At my previous request Drs van Gemert then went through an explanation of how the cancer stage is calculated and what the survival rates are for different states. Statistically, and its important to remember that this is based on a wide range of oral cancer stage III victims, my chances are 50-60% to get to 5 years.
Pause for effect.
Not good really, and there's no hiding the fact this is a shitty kind of cancer that really does kill a lot of people.
But then again so what? It really is based on a wide range..There are several positives in my favour, the tumour was fractionally over the size that would class it as a T1, the metastasis was in only 1 lymph node and it was encapsulated and removed possible ending everything, it was on my gum, which is fairly rare and one of the least aggressive places to have it, and also there was no "spidery spread' into the tissues, the tumour was relatively smooth and contained, and there's no need for chemo at this stage.
I have said before that living in fear is not living, and I don't intend to live in fear of this cancer, its going to be dealt with then we get on with our lives. If it comes back, we deal with it again, and if it can't be dealt with...we'll see.
As a newly greying member of the middle age brigade, I think I have far more to worry about from heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, or genuine accidents than cancer. Which, though I can't back it up with figures probably kills more fat greying scottish blokes than this cancer ever has.
I need to be more aware of my body though, watch out for lumps and bumps and sore spots and get on the phone if I find any, I get regular checkups every 6 weeks for the 1st year and then it'll tail off. If its going to come back, it will mostly likely come back in the 1st those checkups will be very important.
The positives today are that the biopsy was clear, and the AB's are working on my appointment is in Tuesday with the dreaded dental hygienist.....
284 days
1 day ago
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