Nothing special about the zapping, though a very nice friendly chappie in an Audi A4 who drove me today, was telling me all about his retirement plans in Thailand...sounded really amazing. As was his reasons for disliking Holland now...pretty much all the reasons I dislike the UK, he was intrigued to hear that Holland seems to be about 20 years behind the UK in its drop of social standards...that being the case in 20 years from now when Holland is like England is now I'll see about a retirement home in Thailand myself
Anyway Zapping was normal, photo's 1st which makes it last a minute or 2 longer, but no other issues. The scouse tech noticed my skin was getting quite red and suggested I get some cream so she got the Dr's assistant to arrange that. Which is good as it was starting to get a bit noticeable, Bina and I took the dog out last night and the change in temperature really irritated the hell out of my skin. The cream should help a bit..
Had Dietician appointment today, no significant weight loss and my grip test actually is stronger each time I go...maybe thats my super strength power starting to kick in.
She did tell me something interesting, which Dr Oie had also mentioned but I had forgotten. I get 23 wide range radiation treatments, of which this is the 19th...after that I go to a narrow field more aimed at my tumour site. Which means really that I am almost done with the neck zapping. She did warn me though to expect the full side effects to kick in once the wide range treatment stops, most radiotherapy pain/discomfort is not caused by the actual therapy, but by the healing process after..So next week when we move to narrow range, the other parts will start healing and the we "may" get the dreaded sore throat from hell.
That said, she is also pleased that I am still able to function as normal,eating and talking for the most part without problem. The Candida should clear up in 3 to 4 days which will be a big improvement in the tongue functions.
284 days
1 day ago
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