Well the beard has gone, over the course of an hour or so's itching scratching and plucking, pretty much a clean half of my beard came out, that area of my chin is now oddly smooth and follicle count is 0....Even with a 5 o'clock shadow it stands out like a pink beacon. So out with the clippers and I removed the rest...I kept the little tuft under my lip for posterity...looks a bit silly but ah well...
I guess this marks a point where the skin is now reacting to the radiation so no more wet shaves...which seems mad to me since electric razors are much harsher on your skin....I'll try it for a bit and see.
Skin is quite red,itchy and warm to the touch, not unlike sunburn, especially around the scar. I am finding it extremely hard to keep out of the blazing sun, during this amazing weather we are having here, which certainly makes the itching worse. I am off in a bit to source a nice wide brimmed hat, so that I can go into town tomorrow and watch Holland win the world cup on the big screens....fingers crossed.
The sore on my tongue was absolute agony a few times last night as my tongue scraped around my teeth....woke me a few times...but it does seem to be healing slowly
I'm not quite so chipper today, everything seems to be a bit of an effort, psychologically and physically so I think after I've done with the hat shopping and a few other shopping chores I'm going to have a lazy day at home today, build up for tomorrows excess.
Only other thing to report is that the muscles/tendons in my neck (surgical side) really ache and are tender to the touch, as is my shoulder which is tight and sore in sympathy. Probably normal...but as always I'll mention it in my next control meeting with Dr Oie.
284 days
1 day ago
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