There are 2 issues with my sense of taste..probably mainly due to the nasty tasting saliva/candida.
1) everything tastes bland and dull.
2) anything remotely fatty, emulsifies immediatly in my mouth and tastes like raw cooking fat.
Today I had a jam doughnut and a sirloin steak, not at the same time obviously. Normally 2 of my favourite foods.
Both were a dull boring slimy chore to eat, but eat them I did simply becuase I was hungry.
I can smell ok still and they all smelled lovely, but the whole joy of eating, one of my favourite things to do btw...has gone as soon as I put the item in my mouth.
There's a 3rd issue as well, not directly related to taste, but I can't eat anything sharp or stings the candida sores like nothing I've ever felt.
Can't wait for the Fluconazol to kick in. Maybe then I can try some spicey food to cut through the nasty.
Must try to look on the bright side...its only a few more weeks.
Oh still no Caphosol...hopefully tomorrow.
284 days
1 day ago
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