RT9 was uneventful as usual, photo image to make sure then zap
Side effects are coming on line though. The dryness really isn't too severe today but clearly evident, the sore throat is a tiny bit more noticable but so far still not close to having any impact on my swallowing, its a bit like when you sing too much or have been crying.
Back of my tongue though at the root, right side, is feeling a bit sore today, thats quite noticible now, as well as general thickening of saliva, (mucosis) which I have been expecting, more mouthwashing.
All told though, nothing too unbearable yet..we're nearly a 1/3rd into it and I appear to be escaping the mega wrath of the RT...for now.
Dietician is insisitng I find some "soda" to add to my saline mouthwash, apparently I can pick it up at the dishwasher supplies, its a cleaning product?? Ok now I am quite confused, I think I better get my dutch friend to help me to translate the "recipe" for my mouthwash which explains this soda, I don't want to be getting the wrong stuff.
Ironically she also suggested I should drink a little beer, presumably stout? But as I really cannot abide the taste of any kind of beer I tried to helpfully suggest a little scotch and water might be a good substitute...sadly she disagreed and said it was too strong for me.....hmmmm I would like very much to challenge that assertion, soon.
I'm not really quite sure what to make of my dietician, she wants me to follow her recipe plan and eat lots of prescribed heathly food...but as I keep pointing out, I do eat a very healthy diet. Bina and I both dislike processed foods and prepare meals ourselves. I have as requested, increased my protien intake with fish, sashimi, cheese, etc. So why exactly I should start eating Ragout just because its on her list is beyond me.
I really don't see the point of this at all..as long as I am eating fine, my weight is stable and I am still able to swallow, I think this is a serious waste of time but no doubt at some point it will have some value...After all she's the only one who can decide when I need to switch to liquid meal drinks...hopefully I can avoid those..we'll see.
I also have my list of appointments for next week, so I can now book my taxi trips for next week and its all covered by my insurance. That will make quite a difference to my schedule, speeding things up.
EDIT...Thanks to my friend Dominic and his google fu, which failed me for some reason..Soda, is bicarb of soda...I'll pick it up from the baking dept rather than the dishwasher section.
284 days
1 day ago
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