Thursday, 29 July 2010

RT 29 6 to go The end is in sight

Rt 29 with the Opaal machine, was quite eventful, mainly because it broke down before delivering its final zap which left me stuck on the table for a while. this was also the start of the 2nd set of boosters, at a reduced dose. so from now on I have to look forward to less rads and things starting to heal.

I managed to get a few pics taken of me in the contraption,

yes that corpulent mass is me pinned down and getting ready for my zapping.

The dietician appointment was also delayed, due to the machine breaking down causing some holdups But same routine, different lady this time, I have dropped another half kilo or so, which is not surprising with the problems I have had chewing recently, but thats still well within safety limits and my muscle tests are actually improving, so no problems with loss of muscle tissue, just dropping a bit of fat.

She was also pleased that at this point I am still eating and drinking ok, at what she said would normally be the pinnacle of the side effects, So I have got through it all relatively unscathed and I'm delighted to hear that things should be getting better from this point on.

The end is also literally in sight, as I collected todays appointment list for next week, there in black and white on the Friday appointment are the words Laatste Bestraling.. Last radiation...feels really good to see that!

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