Ok RT10 was interesting, in the sense that it wasn't exactly routine, the machine stopped 3 times and needed to be reset. Which is a bit of a pain as any longer than 3 or 4 mins pinned to the table starts to get a little painful in the back of my neck, and indeed 10 mins or so on the table and my neck was aching.
But thats RT10 done, 2 weeks in...side effects are now starting to show but so far nothing that can't be managed. I'm pleased about this, the longer the sideeffects can be delayed the less impact they'll have on me overall.
Time for the end of week recap.
The dry mouth is not too big a problem, though I have to remind myself to chew gum,......btw.....how odd is it only being able to chew gum on one side of your mouth, it just feels wrong... And/or use regular mouthwashes. So that is not a problem.
I have a painful "spot" at the root of my tounge/back of my soft palete which is unpleasent and sometimes announces its presence when I move my tongue around while chewing.
The sore throat is getting a little worse and I am now aware of a slight niggle when I swallow..but at least I can still swallow without effort.
My jaw is feelling a little tight (on the right side of course) and swollen though there's no visible evidence of any more swelling, and it's "tingling" a lot...odd, not unpleasent, and probably more a healing thing than RT, but I do find it harder to open my mouth due to the tightness, my finger and thumb stretching exercices are becomeing a little more painful too.
Physically, yes I am starting to tire..not helped by the fantastically hot weather I'm sure, but I do notice my engery reserves are dropping and after a walk or cycle, I am slow to recover, I even went to bed at a decent time the last couple of nights...most unusual.
People also keep commenting on how well I've caught the sun, but in truth I've not been in the sun much at all..and on closer examination its the area where I have been irradiated which is looking sunburnt :). I'm noticing that if I do get the sun on my head that area tends to be a little sensitive to the heat..so I am keeping in the shadows as much as possible.
Emotionally...well, still blubbing like a baby for no reason, one of our collegues from work came round with a big bunch of flowers for us, (combined get well and happy birthday) as she'd been away and had missed me at the office. I had a few girly moments as she was saying how well I looked and so on...damn!
Going to hold off on painkillers for now, the throat/spot is not that severe yet, though we still have to wait for todays zapping to make its effects known.
Taxis are booked for next week and now its time to chill and enjoy a lovely Dutch summer weekend..Lets hope Holland win their World Cup game later, it'll make the town centre quite a party place.
284 days
1 day ago
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