No Merc to take me to Tilburg, this time a minibus shared with an old fella also heading to the clinic he spoke no English and unfortunately for me also seems to be suffering form speech problems because I really could not understand a word so he chatted or rather shouted incoherently to the driver all the way.
RT12 was uneventful as usual, aside from getting a telling off from the operator as I tried to quick scratch my nose before the machine fired up....A voice boomed out, over the intercom "Will you please lower your hands"
The Caphosol seems to work quite well, my mouth is less sore and my tongue stiff but I am talking. the sore throat is no better or worse at this point but swallowing is proving hard. Time to pull out the big guns ICE CREAM!!!
The gum around the surgery site has become very velvety as the skin seems to be dying ( or being infested with fungus..ugg)
I shaved again this morning with no apparent issues...not going to chance this too often though but so far still able so why not.
Fatigue levels about the same, nothing major to report....I will take a bottle of water to bed with me tonight to sip when I wake up with the sticky mouth rather than go back to sleep as I did last night resulting in my stuck tongue
284 days
1 day ago
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