Nothing new to report. Went. Zapped. Came home.
That was probably a bit too quick, ok ok, the only real update is regarding my attempts to get hold of Caphosol. The pharmacy could not get hold of it from their usual supplier, and therefore said they'd have to order it from an international supplier. I decided to grab the chance to get a refund, since they were chargung 2x as much as the makers on their website.
So I went online and now have a months supply coming for €199 much better than the pharmacies 2 weeks for €177.
The receptionist at the clinic also gave me a letter from Dr Oie to give to the pharmasist to ask them to provide the drugs for free, but we already tried that last week and they said no, so I think this is the best option for now..After all we're not even entierly sure its going to work for the full duraiton of treatment, just becuase 3 days worth cured a very nasty attack, it does not mean it will work again or if the mucositus gets worse...still...worth a gamble I think.
Speaking is pretty much normal today. Swallowing is not too bad either, though since the weekend my mouth has been a bit sore from the "burns" inside my lips. I plan to discuss these tomorrow as well as why the saliva in my mouth tastes slightly acidic. Also surpisingly I seem to be suffering from an over abundance of this nasty acidic saliva...better than the lack of it I had last week.
ok that padded things out nicely...time to go off and do my soda and salt mouthwash.
284 days
1 day ago
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