It may end up being quite a saga but as I have mentioned it a few times before I better discuss.
Dr Oie gave me a couple of days sample when I had my 1st mucositis attack it seemed to work within hours, but unfortunately its a new drug here in Holland and not currently on the list of approved meds that the insurance company will pay for. And the doc had no more samples to give me. so he gave me a script for the pharmacy but warned me I would have to pay for it myself..Fair enough thinks I. If it can cure the crippling pain that I experienced I'll fork out a few bob for it.
Sure enough it was a few bob, despite the docs efforts to supply me with a letter to ask for a free pass, and I ordered 2 weeks supply at €177 from our local pharmacy who promised it would be there Monday.
But I was aware after a bit of googling, that Caphosol could be bought straight from the makers at for much less..but its good to ensure you get things from reputable sources.
When the Pharmacy failed to source any and admitted they would have to order it internationally...aha twigs me, they are probably going to get it from the supplier, so I might as well do the same. I asked and received a refund and went home to order it online. a months supply for €199.
Unfortunately being a bit of a dozy bugger, I made a small error on the address field on my application and left off the house number...I spotted the mistake a few minutes after I received the acknowledgement of my order and was pleased to see they had a send correction option on the site.
I sent a correction and informed them of the full proper address...and even received a confirmation of the correction..phew.
So I waited
and waited
and waited
and on Friday I am starting to I sent them an email to ask if they had tracking info. sure enough they did, they sent me a screen shot of the UPS tracking report which showed that UPS were stuck because they did not have a complete address. They asked me to contact my local UPS office and resolve the issue
ARRGGHHHH what was the point of the corrections form if you don't pay any bloody attention to it????
I politely, yes I can still be polite, pointed out I had sent a correction on the address within an hour of making the order and that they really should have taken note of it and could they please contact UPS as my ability to speak due to the lack of these meds would complicate matters (yes I know..milking it a bit but so what)...
I got an email a few minutes later saying they had contacted UPS and I should expect my parcel shortly....shame UPS don't do weekend deliveries though..Lets hope its here on Monday because my mouth is really starting to hurt a lot and I want to see if the Caphosol will be just as effective this time as it was before.
284 days
1 day ago
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