Today was my 1st trip to the clinic in a taxi....boy was it slow. I assume the taxi company are paid on a time*miles formula since the driver took the longest route to Tilburg I've ever seen and was in no hurry.
I certainly won't have hurt them to have added on the extra 40 mins I ended up waiting when I asked to see Dr Oie about the pain in my tongue that stopped me talking all weekend. He diagnosed mucasitis (already??) and asked what pain killers I tried. I told him aspirin paracetamol and ibuprofen, but that none were effective. So he suggested morphine....hmmm much as I quite like the idea of being stoned for a week or so to remove pain, I don't think I want to go on morphine quite so soon. so he suggested something else, having just spoken to his drugs rep, he had a new product I could try, Caphosol. Apparently its quite effective and used mostly by chemo patients with mucasitis but they are confident it is effective. Its also quite pricey but the rep had left what the hell. Its a mouthwash process you prep by mixing 2 ingredients, rinse, spit and repeat after a minute, and I now have 2.5 days supply.
After spending only 5 mins with Drs Oie though I had lost my place in the radiation list, and had to wait quite a while before I was called in for my daily zap..nothing to report there, no breakdowns. I am back on the Opaal machine this week, which seems a bit more reliable.
Taxi driver waited in the hall for me at least, so as soon as i was finally finished it was time to head home, again very slow and long route.
Soon as I got home used the Caphosol, and I think I noticed a distinct improvement after about an hour, though my tongue was already loosening up by the time I got home and I was able to talk quite well without much pain, I fully expected todays Zapping to have an impact by this evening. So far, not really, my tongue is still stiff, making speech a little slurred but not really more Caphosol before bedtime and we'll see how things are tomorrow.
Swallowing is starting to get a little more tricky feels a little tight when I swallow, soI need to try to make sure my food is properly chewed and wet before swallowing, but so far still able to eat without pain.
284 days
1 day ago
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